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Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Don’t we all have the right to express our thoughts and feelings on various subjects? This is why the “Opinions” category was created.

In this way, the 21st century youth can finally have a voice. This is a platform where people can speak their mind and write freely.

So, in this category you will find sincere discourses on topics like confidence and self-image, how to improve yourself and the world around you and other motivational articles.

Not only that, but our young journalists explore other fields as well. From politics to art, sexuality and education, the sky is the limit as far as our opinions are concerned.

Let us know what you think, and don’t be afraid to speak up!

Top 12 stupid reasons to end a relationship

Our generation is a brilliant one. And I truly mean it. There’s so much flair and resourcefulness per square meter it deserves praise! Well,...
I have a boyfriend

Sorry, I have a boyfriend!

How many times did it happen to you (online or at a festival) to see a beautiful girl that you really admire and you...
Why you should never leave your friends

Why you should NEVER leave your friends for a guy

After snot-filled napkins thrown away and dumb statuses on Facebook about loneliness, you finally have a relationship. Good job, girl! You’re someone. Now eeeeeevery...
How does it feel being in love

How does it feel being in love?

I used to ask myself: How does it feel being in love? But now, I know. I tell you now what love can do...
girls who are never invited to dance

Shout out to the girls who are never invited to dance!

This is for us, for the girls who are never invited to dance. For the "invisible" ones. We matter, you know? Have you ever been...

Trauma doesn’t make you stronger – it destroys you

I have heard so many people admit that trauma makes you stronger or believing that some can just ”get over it”. So, today, allow...
The guidebook of a random dude

The guidebook of a random dude regarding life

If you’re reading this, it means I don’t live the life I want. The war I fight with my own self in the name...

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