Babysitting tricks I learned the hard way
Toddlers will even shut up in the middle of throwing a tantrum if you play them their favourite cartoon.
Coronavirus isn’t the only thing you need to worry about!
Until now I hesitated to express my opinion regarding Coronavirus, but now I think it's too much. Panic, panic and more panic, this is...
Do we need to learn foreign languages?
Even before we’re born, we’re exposed to something that’s called language. Everyone is speaking a language in order to make themselves understood. Nowadays, knowing...
How failures made me the woman I am today
I'm a firm believer that necessary evil and drama are good for you. The ones that make you lose your mind, that weather you....
What’s the deal with being friends with your ex?
Exes, those people you talk about at some point like they're some miraculous and perfect creatures who came to Earth by mistake. What’s the...
Holding hands with Murakami through the Norwegian Forest
In the last few weeks, I didn't read so much, so shame on me! I think that all readers have such moments. Sometimes, we...
The truth about adoption: 4 common misconceptions refuted
Adoption is an amazing thing that some couples choose as an alternative to the traditional family. Here are some misconceptions about it!
Skincare: how to choose the best products for you
Choosing from a variety of products that all claim to give the best results can be a little overwhelming. Here are 3 tips to help you pick the perfect skincare products for you.
Communication with your family – a toxic relationship
Since we were little, everyone's been telling us about this one thing : communication is essential, especially communication with your family, in any way...
Bridging the generation gap
What does one understand when hearing the word "difference"?
Opinions vary, and the distinctions are many and classified by a lot of criteria. The generation...