alpha dog

The ‘Alpha Dog’ Theory debunked

Believe it or not, some people really think that they have to yell at their dog to gain some respect. They believe in the...

Ecofascism: The Emerging Extremist Ideology of the Century

Ecofascism came into the spotlight on social media in 2021 as the world suffered through another year of Covid and several natural disasters that...

3 facts about the Northern lights – an amazing natural phenomenon

Northern lights are as well known as Aurora Borealis and represent an interaction between the Earth’s magnetic field and particles emitted by the Sun,...

3 amazing parks from Buzau

I recommended you some places to visit in Buzau county, all places near the county seat (also called Buzau). Now I want to talk...
misconceptions about pit bulls

5 Misconceptions About Pit Bulls You Should Stop Believing

There are a bunch of misconceptions about Pit Bulls. Sometimes, people seem to be obsessed with watching videos on YouTube with aggressive Pit Bulls...

5 strangest animals on earth that might surprise you

I prepared here five strangest animals on earth for those curious about these lesser-known creatures. Thorny Devil Lizard The first one is Thorny lizard. It lives...
Find out your spirit animal based on your zodiac sign

Find out your spirit animal based on your zodiac sign

According to your zodiac sign, you can see which spirit animal is reflecting your character and, of course, your sign.
5 adorable pets for different types of personalities

5 adorable pets for different types of personalities

Pets became for most people the most supportive and pleasant beings that can keep you company.

Labrador Retriever: 5 reasons to choose this cute breed

Labrador Retriever dogs are friendly, affectionate, energetic animals. They are the perfect pets for families with children and for the people who can allocate time to them.

Moon phases: the extraordinary facts about them

The moon is at the smallest distance from the Earth, unlike the other celestial bodies. From ancient times, the Moon has been a real mystery, being revered by most peoples through rituals of thanksgiving for protection and protection from the unknown forces of evil.

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