Does money bring happiness?


Many people may wish to be rich or have more money because they think it will make them happy. But can money really bring happiness?

Well, the answer to this question of whether money can bring happiness is yes, and as weird as it may sound is also no. It’s really up tomoney us. Those who are poor are more likely to be unhappy because they live under more difficult conditions. But how come even rich people are unhappy even if they have lots of money?

Money brings happiness in the way it gives people a better way of living, accessibility to a wider variety of products, expensive items, dream homes and many other things that can satisfy your needs, as well as better health because you can buy meds or medical procedures that can heal you in case you have a disease.

After all these luxury needs are satisfied, and there is always the possibility of this, everything becomes boring. When you know that there is no goal to pursue that could make you happy, everything becomes a routine; and we know a routine could become boring. That’s why they say, “Strong essences are kept in small boxes.”

If you think about it, there are many small moments where we can be very happy even if it doesn’t seem that what we do is something extraordinary. This simplicity can provide happiness if you know how to look at it.

Here’s another reason why we can be sad no matter how much money we have: because life can’t be perfect. We’re meant to experience all kinds of emotions, not just happiness. All sorts of problems can occur in anyone’s life, as anyone can be in dire straits. And these things can make you quite sad and melancholy even though you have finances.

So, it depends on each individual’s experience, how we use money and how often we reach its full potential of satisfaction.

Click here to find out 5 ways to save money.


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