Since August, Belarus is going through a hard time. And by that, I mean weekly protests are happening, some metro lines have been closed, and some of the communication networks don’t work. The only problem here is that we don’t hear often about what’s happening there. And that is because…
Doctors and journalists were arrested
The revolution against Lukashenko. After the continuous protests in the streets, doctors began a protest revolution. Some photos of them facing the walls of the hospitals were “leaked”. The journalists who tried writing about these quiet protests are being arrested; eventually, they started protesting the same way. Facing the wall.
It all began with…
The death of a protester. The authorities were saying that he died because he was drunk, even though the medical documents denied this assumption. He died because he was hurt by the militiamen. The doctor who tried to save his life was arrested and his family was abused. This is when doctors began protesting this way. Given the fact that they cannot leave the hospital because there are so many coronavirus patients, they decided to protest in this way. After the first night of the protests in Belarus, they were the ones that saw the real truth: people were being killed and beaten. Unfortunately, many of them had to suffer from this courage to speak up.
Then, the journalists…
Just like me, you may notice that there weren’t many articles about these things in Belarus. That’s because the media was forced to cover-up everything. Even though some journalists tried to share some information with the world, the authorities took care of them. They shut down the Internet a few times, arrested a few journalists, blocked sites, everything they could. Some of them started protesting after the model of the doctors. Some of them had to leave the country, and are currently sharing information from Poland.
All of us are facing hard times. If you’re reading this from Belarus, take care of yourself. Good times are coming.