Business: Tips to Find Out What Kind Cool Businessman Are You?


In the actual society, there is a continuous expansion of the micro-enterprises, a trend to build your thriving life through a rewarding business. Generally, these enterprises are manipulated by a reduced number of employers, mainly with a short capital.

Either entrepreneurs or basic workers, everyone can correspond to an enterprising personality profile. It’s really at hand to observe how much the Romanian business market has revolutionized and developed in the last few years. There are currently successful people who have managed to expand their own businesses even on the international market.

Considering these aspects, several profiles of the Romanian entrepreneur were outlined. We have identified five types – see which would suit your own profile and take your dose of inspiration from those who have already achieved success in that particular category.

  1. The Dreamer

The Dreamer is the entrepreneur who knows what motivates him, how to launch his project and what he aches for. But he always dreams of concrete and tangible things. Whether you want to make your first million euros or build your own amusement park, awareness of the ultimate goal is very important.

The dreamer finds much easier his own way in life. If his parents have a business that he can grow, he will do it. Otherwise, to get what he craves for, he will start a new business. The dreamer does not accept money for his own business or cars or houses as a gift. Instead, he will do his utmost to create his life the way he aspires, modeled on other successful people. Only then he will be completely satisfied with what he gets.

  1. The Individualist

Are you the type who thinks that most business plans are not worth as much as the Excel in which they are written? Then you have found the right category. The 100% self-employed businessman considers the business plan useless and believes, rather, that a napkin is enough to describe his own project strategy. Always think like a manager and never like an employee. He assumes the role of a boss and, implicitly, the successes or problems of the project he deals with. This independent side should exist in every successful businessman, regardless of his typology.

  1. The Internet User

This class, made up of young people under 30, is the first to grow in the digital environment. Immersed in bits, the Internet entrepreneur perceives ‘digital’ as an integral part of his natural environment. Recent studies show that digital entrepreneurs are smarter, faster, and more open to change than their predecessors.

They are concerned with some issues facing the society they belong to. These young people want to transform all the institutions of modern life. They want to replace the culture of control with a culture of performance starting with the jobs in the market, from politics to education or to the family. He conscientiously creates his business plans and then applies them. Lately, the new wave on the Romanian Internet has become noisier.

  1. The Designer

Unlike the craftsman type (who develops something already existing), the designer entrepreneur thinks of his product with the consumer in the center. He builds everything by analyzing if his services really meet the needs of his customers. Also, the entrepreneur-designer overcomes his language barriers, building his business on a global scale.

The designer is the entrepreneur for whom the projects are not only about money, but especially about what he can do better in order to help him stand out – an element that, most of the time, guarantees his success.

  1. The Go-Getter with Vocation

This Go-Getter is the type of entrepreneur who has found a way to finance and live his passions. He is motivated more by the pleasure of carrying out his activity, than by the profit itself. He did not set up his company specifically for growth and development, he often leaves his business management in the hands of skillful managers.

Most multinational corporations were originally vocation-based companies created by personalities such as Thomas Edison, Bill Hewlett, Steve Jobs or Colonel Harland Sanders.


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