Home Authors Posts by Selma Ayoub

Selma Ayoub


4 Overdone Fantasy Tropes To Avoid In Your Writing

Fantasy as a genre has the potential for great versatility. Sure, familiarity can be comforting, but when it comes to fantasy fiction there are certain tropes that have been overused to the point of being cliché. If you recognize these tropes in your own writing, you don’t have to discard them, but you might want to try to add an original twist to them or subvert them in one way or another in order to ensure that your writing feels fresh and original.
The Basics of Watercolor Painting: 4 Important Tips For Beginners

The Basics of Watercolor Painting: 4 Important Tips For Beginners

Watercolor painting is a fun way to relax and express yourself. However, this painting medium is as unpredictable as it is enjoyable! If you’ve been thinking of picking up watercolor and you want to create quality works that you’ll love, you’ll need to know a few things first.
Overcoming Art Block: 3 Reliable Ways Of Rekindling Your Creativity

Overcoming Art Block: 3 Reliable Ways Of Rekindling Your Creativity

In a previous article, I talked about the signs of creative burnout, more commonly referred to as art block - phases when you just can't bring yourself to create art no matter what, or when creating art simply doesn't spark joy like it used to. If you have come to the conclusion that you are in an artistic slump, don't fret - there are things you can do to respark your creativity and get back to making art.
Creative Burnout: 3 Signs You Need A Break From Art

Creative Burnout: 3 Big Signs You Need A Break From Art

Creative burnout, more commonly known as 'art block', is a struggle that pretty much every artist has to face at some point in their artistic journey. It can be extremely frustrating and inconvenient, especially for those who are trying to make art for a living. The following three 'symptoms' are the most obvious signs that you might want to take a step back and let yourself recover creatively.
5 Reading Practice That Will Increase Your Reading Speed

5 Reading Practices To Increase Your Reading Speed

Are you adding books to your to-be-read pile faster than you’re actually reading them? There is actually a Japanese word for that – tsundoku, literally meaning buying books and letting them pile up.
Empty Notebooks: 5 Fun Things To Do With Them

Empty Notebooks: 5 Fun Things To Do With Them

If you are anything like me, you’ve probably hoarded so many pretty notebooks that you don’t know what to do with them. There are actually many uses you can find for an empty notebook, depending on your interests and your lifestyle.

Castlevania (2017) – an incredible Netflix original animated show

Castlevania is a riveting cartoon about the consequences of the tragic love between Dracula and a mortal woman. Find out why you should watch it.
5 Great Video Essayists on YouTube To Check Out

5 Great Video Essayists on YouTube To Check Out

If you have some free time and you're looking to get educated or entertained, you might want to watch a video essay on a topic you're interested in. Here are some of my favorite video essayists on YouTube and the type of content they create...

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