Tag: relationships
Lovers, 4 Tips for Picking the Greatest One
There are many things that could lead to us falling for someone. We may be attracted to their good looks, charmed by their charismatic...
Relationship and dating: a trend nobody should follow
"I’m here today to talk about sometimes the pressure to be in a relationship and about the toxicity of such a mentality."
Growing apart and how it feels
The day you let them go, you’ll be finally free and happy. Remember, we have to grow apart from some people to realize our worth and theirs.
Offering advice: is it truly helpful?
Most people offer advice out of the will to be helpful, but does it work? I think it does more harm than good, and there are many other ways we can support those we care about.
Wrong people: significant reasons to walk away
Think twice when it comes to them, the wrong people in your life. You deserve better, so you better focus on yourself rather than spending one more minute with someone who is unsure about you and who's not willing to offer you what you deserve.
High school: 2 significant things you should know
During high school, you build a version of yourself that will always be there, even though you lose yourself, a part of you from that time will always be there in your heart.
People pleasing: why it’s time to stop
People pleasing is a complex issue that affects a lot of people, but it can affect women in unique ways. Here is what you should know about it!
How to impose your ideas in 5 easy steps
If you want to impose your ideas but people won't listen to you, here are 5 steps that can help you sound more convincing.
Relationships: 4 great signs you’ve been played
So silly of you to think that this kind of attitude is healthy, and in reality, you're just being played. Maybe next time, it won't be the next time, and you won't settle for less!
Waves: 3 great things I’ve learned in the last months
I know it's a long battle and maybe the hardest one, but fight with your waves; confront them, and don't be scared. The feeling you'll have when you'll be floating on the sea and the sun will be kissing you on your forehead will be worth the struggle!