My experience with stretching and 3 reasons you should try it

My experience with stretching and 3 reasons you should try it
My experience with stretching started a short while ago but I can already feel how it improved some aspects of my life for the better. No matter if you are a person passionate about physical activity or not, I can assure you that stretching will always be a good idea and these are 3 ways in which it can help you:


It’s a great way to relax your mind

Either you are having a stressful period in your life, or you just need to take your mind off the daily issues, I think that stretching is a great way to do that. The reason is that the stretching moves require to take deep breaths while holding a pose for around 30 seconds, better recommended with your eyes closed.

My experience with stretching and 3 reasons you should try it

That gives you time to focus on your body movement and get rid of unnecessary thoughts. This will give you the calm state of mind that you needed. From my experience, this activity really helped me before stressful events, like taking a hard exam, and it made me feel more focused and calm regarding my goal.


My experience with stretching and 3 reasons you should try it It can be an exercise of self-care

Specialists also say that stretching can even help you reduce chronic stress and can be viewed as an act of self-care. Being in contact with your body on a deeper level for a stretching routine can really make you realize how amazing your body is. The fact that you took time in giving it some care makes an important                                                                           difference mentally, from my experience.


It can really improve your flexibility and posture

As a student, I pass a lot of time on the chair at the desk and like many other people around me, I can feel the effect on my bad posture and lack of flexibility. Since I started doing stretching, these problems started to ameliorate. Certified exercise physiologists also affirm that it can help you increase your range of motion, if practiced regularly, like 5 to 6 time a week.

My experience with stretching and 3 reasons you should try it

This could also make your daily life more enjoyable, as you feel more energetic and you can solve tasks that require a certain level of flexibility, more easily. I can tell that after staying a few hours on a chair for classes or for doing homework, stretching became my boost of energy.



If you think about giving it a try, here is a beginner-friendly stretching routine that I enjoy doing and totally recommend. Don’t forget it’s also important to follow specialists’ advice in order to avoid injury and to do the exercises correctly.


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